Surely you heard a few words in Romanian and they certainly caught your attention. Whether you know about this country or not, your curiosity can be nurtured by this list of well-known basic words. You can read them, you can learn them, you can use them to brag to your friends that you know Romanian words, but you can also prepare for a future trip to Romania.
When you don’t know how to start, start with a greeting! This is one of the first rules we learn from our parents – whether we meet a person on the street or enter a building, we greet politely. The same applies to travel: knowing how to greet is a step forward to win the sympathy of residents. Also, you can satisfy a cultural curiosity and boast that you know these words in an old, Romance language.
So, how do we greet in Romanian? We will start with the addressing formula that applies to all occasions and all social categories; it is about “bună”, the informal greeting option, or “bună ziua”, the formal option. You have to keep in mind that in small communities like villages, people know each other very well and therefore everyone greets each other.
What are you doing?
In Romania, immediately after the obligatory greeting, the next question that will be asked is “ce faci?”. You have to understand that this question is often asked out of politeness, and the answer can be a simple “bine”. The locals do not want to know your whole life story because this question is a simple habit for them.
No, Yes, I don’t know / I don’t understand
Another series of words that you must know are these: da, nu and nu știu / nu înțeleg. If you learn these words, you will surely avoid unforeseen situations and even unwanted conversations. Simple, short, and to the point, answers can make your intention clear at certain times.
Left or Right
When we travel, we usually get lost. We do not say how much is the fault of the GPS and how much is yours, it is certain that sometimes the bill at home does not match the one at the fair, and confusion will continue to appear during your trip. The fact that you know how to ask for some simple directions, asking “stânga” or “dreapta” will help you get safely to the desired destination.
Introduce yourself
You may not have found out yet, but Romanians are friendly people and, especially if you are a foreigner, they will want to know everything about you – who you are, where you are from, what job you have and what brings you to their lands. The easiest way is to know how to introduce yourself – Mă numesc Paula, followed by the presentation of your hometown -Sunt din Amsterdam. Introducing yourself, not only will you impress the locals, but you will also befriend them and – who knows? – maybe your vacation will be extended.
Our list of words and phrases can help you on the first vacation in Romania. If you want to know their pronunciation ad-literatim, but also little tips before you leave, we are waiting for you to participate in some online Romanian language lessons.
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