Discover the charm of the Romanian language by learning these beautiful Romanian words that capture deep emotions and cultural richness.
So, if you could describe your country using one word, what would it be? Well, when it comes to Romania, we can say that the word that defines it is beauty. What kind of beauty? The beauty of the landscapes, beautiful Romanians, and the beauty of the language! Brave people, once conquerors of many empires, Romanians continue to succeed through their country and language, attracting many tourists and people interested in online Romanian language courses. For that reason, this article is all about the Romanian language in all its splendor and beauty, the most dreamy words, and some interesting facts that every Romanian lover needs to know!
Romanian language in numbers and beautiful romanian words
Starting from the Geto-Dacians to the Romanians you know today, people have changed, and the language has undergone many changes. Of course, you will find words dating back to ancient times, but the current form of the Romanian language is very well-developed and easy to learn if you want to do this. It is the mother tongue of the Romanian people, spoken by most of the inhabitants of Romania, but also of the Republic of Moldova. At the present time, about 28 million people speak Romanian, spreading across the world.
Moreover, talking about numbers, you should know that Romanian is a 1,700-year-old language. This language traces its beginnings back to the second century. At that time, the Romans conquered Dacia and started shaping the new language.
Also, it is interesting that 72% of Romanian words had Latin origins and only 10-15% of the vocabulary has a Slavic root.
Another fact that you should know is the special letter that Romanian orthography had. We have 5 letters – ă, Ă, î, Î, ș, Ș, ț, Ț and â, Â.
The most beautiful romanian words
In short, Romanian is one of the languages that helps you express your strongest emotions through the right words. Moreover, no other language succeeds in this, so you should know a few such Romanian words and expressions.
Frumusețe – beauty in the Romanian language. You cannot miss this word.
Frumos – Beautiful in Romanian. You must have this word with you to be able to express and appreciate in words all that you have seen.
Feeric – enchanting. A very precious word that describes wonderful things, even from another world.
Fior – thrill. Strong emotions, thrills of pleasure you feel when you see a work of art or a loved one.
Domnișoară – Miss. A very beautiful word, long admired by students and according to its meaning – young woman, unmarried.
Văzduh – sky. This word is an old, archaic form of the word sky and is very common in Romanian literature.
Fluture. Very beautiful, a delicate word that linguistically illustrates this insect.
Expressing Emotions in Romanian: 12+ Beautiful Words That Capture the Soul
Doesn’t this linguistic beauty leave you speechless?
A adora – to adore. sounds familiar to the French je t adore. This word actualy can tell you about love and adoration.
Lună – Moon. It is a beautiful word in English too, but in Romanian sounds…different and melodious. You can easily say to the loved one te iubesc până la lună și înapoi. Sounds even more romantic in Romanian!
Iele – fairies. More than the fairies that we all know from childhood stories. These characters are mystical creatures and they can seduce men. Also, they have magical powers. We can say that ielele are close to the Greek nymphs. These magical creatures are not visible to humans, but there are specific nights and astronomical events when you can see them. Also, you will be thrilled to know that these creatures are not necessarily good. It is said that there is something evil about iele. When they are offended, they will search for revenge.
Enchanting Words of Love, Mystery, and Nature in the Romanian Language
How can you NOT make iele mad? Well, you cannot see them dancing, you cannot step on the ground that they dance on it, you cannot drink from their rivers and you can’t sleep under their trees. also, you cannot refuse their invitation to dance. If you heard them singing, it is very possible that you can become mute. Their voices are so beautiful they are used to seduce their listeners and enchant them. If you are lucky enough to see them, take good care of yourself because they will want to abduct you. They can attract you in the middle of their dance, hora, and with the frenetic music, while they’ll dance all around you, they can make you disappear forever. Pretty dangerous creatures, aren’t they?
Ciorcârlie – larks. This beautiful singing bird is very special in Romania. And, if there is one thing we know for sure about Romanians is that they love stories and everything has a meaning for them. This bird has no exception at all, ciocârlia being the bird that announces the arrival of the morning. Also, the bird is a symbol of love and lovers and linguists proved that the word ciorcâlie is one of the oldest Romanian words, survival of Dacian times.
Why are Romanians so beautiful?
Of course, the beauty of a people cannot be summed up in its own words. In Romania, people do not let themselves be outdone, being one of the most beautiful people in the world. But why are Romanians so beautiful? For example, women are known for their attributes, they are elegant and their beauty is a unique blend of different cultures. Their character is unique too – when Romanians are around you, life will be more beautiful instantly! They love life, their culture, traditions, music, and dance. They laugh, sing, and have fun with their big families. Maybe this is one of their secrets!
In Romanian stories and fairy tales, we will find some interesting characters. Girls or boys, they are beautiful as never seen before, with some extraordinary qualities and skills. They have particular names, too:
Făt- Frumos -A handsome- brave, young, and handsome man
Ileana Cosânzeana – A young girl of a special beauty
So you won’t be surprised if a Romanian lady will call you Făt-Frumos. Also, you can tell a girl that she is as beautiful as Ileana Cosânzeana. Sure fact that she will be pleasantly surprised!
The most romantic Romanian expressions and some instructions to use
Also, falling in love with Romania should be on your bucket list. It is a part of Romania s beauty. We know that Romanian people, especially women, are very beautiful. So don’t be shy, learn some of the most romantic Romanian sayings to express your love, admiration, and affection.
Te iubesc – I love you. This saying is often used when it comes to expressing love and your feelings for someone.
M-am îndrăgostit de tine – I fell in love with you. It is the simple and most beautiful declaration of love. You can say that when you start loving or developing feelings for someone.
Ești fata/băiatul visurilor mele – you are the girl/boy of my dreams. That is a big compliment if you are asking me! It is a beautiful expression that you can use for showing him/her how much the other one means to you.
Mi-e dor de tine – We cannot translate this saying word by word, but it is the equivalent of
I miss you. As you can observe, we have the word dor again. This word the saying more beautiful and sentimental than in other languages. We can use it for lovers, friends, and even for our family.
Mă gândesc la tine – I am thinking about you. This saying can easily be used as a cute message for the loved one. We guarantee – you will make the day!
Țin la tine – I care about you is one of the sweetest sayings ever! And it’s even better in Romanian!
Te plac – I like you is another cute saying for the loved one and not only.
Express Your Love in Romanian: Romantic Sayings to Win Hearts and Inspire Connection
The final question is – how do you use these beautiful sayings, especially if you are new to the Romanian language? First things first, you need to find the perfect romantic expression. Luckily, you can them in this article. You can start by reading them a few times until you feel confident. Of course, you can try the easy way and send them a message/email or even a letter. And if you want to sound like a Romanian, you could try our online courses. We will help you practice Romanian pronunciation and you will manage to say those cheesy sayings to your loved one!
Which of these words impressed you? Which one touched your soul? It is feerie or luna? Or maybe you are truly impressed by the Romanian love sayings. Here you can find even more beautiful words in Romanian. If you have not (yet!) fallen in love with this language, give yourself a chance to spend more time following the Romanian online courses.
You will learn many such melodious words, and music for your ears and those of your listeners! We are waiting for you at the online Romanian language courses and, why not, in this beautiful country! you need to see with your own eyes all the beauties that Romania it offers – the culture, the language, the people, and all the surrounding landscapes. Are you ready for this?
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