Article by Oana Iosifidis
Did you know that the most depressing day of the year was declared to be the third Monday of January (and of the year of course) and is called Blue Monday? There is also a mathematical formula about this, calculating factors like weather conditions, debt level etc. The definition was first heard by a UK travel company, Sky Travel and was first published in a 2005 press release. The author of this was British psychologist, Cliff Arnall.
In this article, taking the opportunity that we just left behind this depressing day, we will say some things about this Monday, providing as we always do, some words and expressions in Romanian language and we really hope to give you a boost to consider of starting your private Romanian lessons and learn this beautiful language.
depression = depresie
day = zi
year = an
Monday = luni
Tuesday = marţi
Wednesday = miercuri
Thursday = joi
Friday = vineri
Saturday = sâmbătă
Sunday = duminică
math formula = formula mathematică
weather conditions = condițiile meteo
psychologist = psiholog
As we mentioned above, The British psychologist Cliff Arnall “paints” the third Monday of the year “Blue” and with a mathematical equation, characterizes it as the most depressing day of the year. The blue color is a symbol of sweetness, air, wisdom, inner harmony and under these conditions, it should bring calm and relaxation.
January = ianuarie
February = februarie
March = martie
April = aprilie
May = mai
June = iunie
July = iulie
August = august
September = septembrie
October = octombrie
November = noiembrie
December = decembrie
paint = a picta
equation = ecuaţie
the blue color = culoarea albastră
air = aer
wisdom = înțelepciune
harmony = armonie
But Arnal’s reasoning is different, and the reasons why he named the third Monday of the year as the most depressing day of the year are specific: the glow of the holidays has faded, the scene of supposed “love and warmth” has changed and its place has been “taken” by winter, which has invaded for good. “Freezing” in the atmosphere and in people. Accounts stacked. The dreams and goals we have set for the new year, have not yet become a reality.
reason = motiv
the third = al treilea
glow = strălucire
holidays = sărbători
winter = iarnă
spring = primăvară
summer = vară
autumn = toamnă
goal = scop
reality = realitate
Specifically, the equation includes the variables: weather, debts, the time that has passed since Christmas and the time since the expectations for the new year were dashed, in relation to the low levels of motivation. The above factors lead to bad mood and low psychology. “Blue Monday” is widely discussed as the most depressing day and in Britain there is a charity, which believes that the solution to combat the fall at the end of January, is the bright outfit!
the variables = variabilele
debts = datorii
expectation = așteptare
in relation to = în raport cu
charity = caritate
solution = soluţie
outfit = imbracaminte
Mental health team, urges people to dress in colorful clothes, to stimulate the condition of those suffering from depression or Seasonal Emotional Disorder, as part of “Blue Monday”.
condition = condiție
to suffer = a suferi
All these seem pretty interesting, but don’t you worry anymore, as this Monday already passed for this year. If you ask me, I would say that it’s just another Monday!