Romanian basic phrases you need for your perfect vacation

Romanian basic phrases you need for your perfect vacation

Do you want to travel to Romania? Say no more! You can find here all that you need – travel recommendations, perfect destinations, tips and tricks, and, last but not least, everything you need to know about the Romanian language. To this end, check our blog – with...
Do you want to learn Romanian? Don’t make these mistakes

Do you want to learn Romanian? Don’t make these mistakes

So you want to learn Romanian. First of all, congratulations on your choice. It is an extremely beautiful language that will bring you joy and satisfaction. For these to continue, however, beyond the initial excitement we all feel before taking on something new, or...
Learn Romanian for free

Learn Romanian for free

Can you learn Romanian for free? In fact, can you learn any foreign language for free? Well, the answer is complicated. A senior executive at a technology company was once asked whether we can’t live without mobile phones and so many electronic devices after...

Romanian language courses from 15 €/hour. Cursuri de limba romana de la 15 €/ ora.