Essential expressions for business

Mastering essential expressions for business is crucial for effective communication and success in international commerce. Understanding the Romanian language can open doors to fruitful collaborations and career success if you are a foreign citizen and deal with the Romanian business environment. Effective communication is the key to any business, and mastering some common business idioms and phrases can help you navigate negotiations, business meetings, and contracts more easily.

1. Essential expressions for business: Greetings and politeness formulas

A good start in any interaction is a fair and polite introduction.

  • Bună ziua! (Hello!) – A professional greeting.
  • Mă bucur să vă cunosc (Nice to meet you.) – Expression used when meeting someone for the first time.
  • Cu ce vă pot ajuta? (How can I help you?) – A common question in business conversations, indicating a willingness to provide support.
  • Îmi cer scuze pentru întârziere (Forgive me for being late.) – A respectful apology, in case of a small incident.

2. Business discussions and negotiations: Essential expressions for business

  • Care este oferta dumneavoastră? (What is your offer?) – A direct question when asking for details about a product or service.
  • Prețul este negociabil? (Is the price negotiable?) – Useful expression in a price negotiation.
  • Termenii contractului sunt clari? (Are the terms of the contract clear?) – A question that can prevent misunderstandings.
  • Vă rog să-mi trimiteți o ofertă scrisă. (Please send me a written offer.) – Request a formal document with the offer of prices and services.

3. Planning and setting meetings

  • Să stabilim o întâlnire pentru a discuta detaliile. (Let’s set up a meeting to discuss the details.) – A phrase used to initiate a meeting.
  • Care este disponibilitatea dumneavoastră pentru săptămâna viitoare? (What is your availability for next week?) – A question to organize a meeting.
  • Vă rog să confirmați data și ora întâlnirii. (Please confirm the date and time of the meeting). – Application to avoid scheduling confusion.
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4. Key words and phrases in trade

  • Factura (Invoice) – Official document indicating the payment amount for goods or services.
  • Reducere (Discount) – A price reduction given to a customer.
  • Livrare (Delivery) – The process by which goods are transported from the seller to the buyer.
  • Stoc (Stock) – The available quantity of products in a warehouse.
  • Condiții de plată (Payment Terms) – The terms in which payment will be made for the services or products provided.

5. Ending a business discussion

  • Aștept cu interes colaborarea noastră. (I look forward to our collaboration.) – A formula by which you express your enthusiasm for a future collaboration.
  • Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat. (Thank you for your time.) – A closing political formula.
  • Ne vom auzi curând pentru următorii pași. (We will hear from you soon about the next steps.) – A promise to track progress.

6. Expressions for emails and official correspondence

  • Stimate domn/Stimată doamnă, (Dear Sir/Dear Madam,) – Formal address form in e-mails or letters.
  • Vă rog să-mi confirmați primirea acestui mesaj. (Please confirm receipt of this message.) – A request to confirm an important email.
  • Cu stimă, (Sincerely,) – A formal closing.

Understanding and using these expressions and phrases can help you communicate more effectively in the Romanian business environment. If you are interested in improving your Romanian language skills for business, romanianonline.com offers customized courses for your professional needs. Contact us to get started today!

By learning these essential expressions for business, you’ll enhance your ability to communicate confidently and navigate the Romanian business landscape with ease.

Romanian language courses from 15 €/hour. Cursuri de limba romana de la 15 €/ ora.