romanian language

Article by Oana Iosifidis

If you are interested, not only in learning Romanian, but understanding the history of the language and its people, I am sure this question came to mind.

Romania, a small country in Eastern Europe, has a very beautiful language. It is the only country in eastern part of Europe, that speaks a Romance language.

The Romance languages are a group of related languages. They have derived from Vulgar Latin within historical times. The major languages of the family include French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and, of course, Romanian.

However, there have been many influences during time, that have led to the current form of Romanian language. If you enjoy history and are interested in studying more, you will find details about The Dacians, then the Romanization following the Roman conquest of the Dacians, the Slavic Influences and Re-Latinization movement during the 19th Century.

The Romanian language and its beauty reflect the story of this brave nation.

Romanian continues to change even now, as all languages do. It borrows many words from other languages. Many from French, but, in the last years, many from English.

It is very common to hear Romanians say, words like cash, business, job, office, staff, target, used instead of the Romanian words with the same meaning.

In the context of globalization, and if you consider how open Romanian people are to the world outside their country, since the revolution in 1989, this is not a surprise.

We even have a word describing the language people speak, when they combine word from Romanian and English. It is “Romgleza”.

See also  How to learn Romanian from scratch

Since you read until here and since we love Romanian language so much, we recommend you to learn Romanian, and not Romglish.

If you are coming from a latin country, I am sure it will be much easier for you to learn Romanian.

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Romanian language courses from 15 €/hour. Cursuri de limba romana de la 15 €/ ora.