What would you think to continue our small online Romanian classes by saying some things and learning some words which have to do with time? Either you are new in Romania and you didn’t have time yet to hire a Romanian teacher or a Romanian tutor, either you just started to take some Romanian lessons or Romanian online lessons (as we still experience the covid era), through this article, you definitely will get some help as far as words related with time concerned.
On the other hand, if you are just a future visitor, a tourist who wants to see this beautiful country, to admire the historical and legendary sightseeing and magnificent landscapes which are spread through the whole country, from the cold north, in the borders with Ukraine and Moldova in the north-east, until the south and the Danube river and from the beautiful city of Timișoara in the west until the coasts of the Black Sea to the east, Romania is great for you to visit every season and during the whole year. So, let’s begin with the core of what we said! And what is the core in a sentence? The verb of course!
I live in Romania = Locuiesc in România
I visit Romania = Vizitez România
Going on with our Romanian lessons and as we mentioned that Romania is beautiful in every season that you will decide to visit it, let’s see the names of the four seasons and some additional features of each one of them:
Spring = Primăvară with the:
flowers = flori
bloom = înfloresc.
Summer = Vară with the:
sea = mare
beach = plajă
Autumn = Toamnă with the:
leaf = frunze
rain = ploaie
Winter = Iarnă with the:
cold = frig
snow = zăpadă.
Moving on, it’s essential to see how the a year is separated:
year = an
month = lună
week = săptămână
day = zi
hour = oră
minute = minut
second = secundă
And something that everyone likes for the end:
weekend = weekend!
Don’t look for translation here, Romanians tend to use the English word for the end of the week!We wouldn’t be good Romanian teachers if we wouldn’t speak a little bit about the names of the months and the days.
Regarding months, we are sure that you will find them very easy to learn, as their names are quite similar with the English ones. Here you go:
January = ianuarie
February = februarie
March = martie
April = aprilie
May = mai
June = iunie
July = iulie
August = august
September = septembrie
October = octombrie
November = noiembrie
December = decembrie.
On the other hand, the days is kind of a different story, as we would say that they don’t resemble at all with the English names. So, we have:
Monday = luni
Tuesday = marți
Wednesday = miercuri
Thursday = joi
Friday = vineri
Saturday = sâmbătă
Sunday = duminică
We suppose that you noticed that in Romanian language, the name of the months and days are written with non-capital letter which is something that we don’t find it so often to the most of the other languages. That was it for now! However, we reassure you that our Romanian language lessons will continue with more useful words in the future and with many other subjects. Until then, enjoy your stay or your visit!
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