After some references that we did through our articles to history (mostly Romanian), culture and some current subjects such as Christmas and New Years traditions and gastronomy, we thought that it is time to dedicate this article exclusively to your Romanian language improvement. In the previous articles we, as well, provided some words with their translation, but this time, we will also write some dialogues which will focus on the scenario of how someone who doesn’t speak the Romanian language yet, can ask information for a transportation mean or how can he/she buy a ticket. It would be a useful help for your first steps and for something that you will definitely need before you decide to take some Romanian lessons for foreigners or simply online Romanian lessons and get the whole picture which we are certain that you will do it soon!
Let’s begin then with our first dialogue about a person who needs a bus ticket and the seller with the translation and the words:
Person: Good morning
Seller: Good morning sir, how can I help you?
Person: I would like a bus ticket please for Piața Unirii
Seller: Here you are
Person: How much does it cost?
Seller: 1 leu please
Person: Thank you very much
Seller: Have a great day!
Persoană: Bună dimineata
Vânzător: Bună dimineața, domnule, cu ce vă pot ajuta?
Persoană: As dori va rog un bilet de autobuz pentru Piața Unirii
Vânzător: Poftim
Persoană: Cât costă?
Vânzător: 1 leu vă rog
Persoană: Mulțumesc foarte mult
Vânzător: O zi bună!
car = mașină
bus = autobuz
train = tren
plane = avion
ship = navă
I like to travel a lot = Îmi place mult să călătoresc
I use the metro very often = Folosesc metroul foarte des
I like to drive in the mountains = Îmi place să conduc la munte
I go to work by bike = Merg la serviciu cu Bicicleta
Now, if we suppose that you are going to stay in Romania for a long time and you want a monthly metro pass for instance, here’s how the dialogue could be:
Person: Good evening
Seller: Good evening madame. What would you like?
Person: A monthly metro pass please
Seller: Of course. Here you are! 70 lei please.
Person: Sure. Have a nice evening.
Seller: You too.
Persoană: Bună seară
Vânzătoarea: Buna seară doamnă. Ce doriți?
Persoană: Un abonament lunar de metrou vă rog.
Vânzătoarea: Desigur. Poftim! 70 lei vă rog.
Persoană: Sigur. Să aveți o seară frumoasă.
Vânzătoarea: La fel.
And finally, let’s say that you want to travel to the beautiful places and landscapes in Romania by train with your wife and you want to buy two tickets:
Person: Hello!
Seller: Hello sir!
Person: I would like two tickets for Brasov, for me and my wife please. What time does it leave:
Seller: At 9 am
Person: Very nice. And from which platform?
Seller: Platform 5 sir.
Person: Great! We will be there! Good bye.
Seller: Have a safe trip!
Persoana: Bună!
Vanzator: Bună ziua domnule!
Persoana: Aș dori două bilete pentru Brașov, pentru mine si soția mea vă rog. La ce oră pleacă:
Vânzător: La 9 dimineață
Persoana: Foarte frumos. Și de pe ce platformă:
Vanzator: Platformă 5 domnule.
Persoana: Super! O să fim acolo! La revedere.
Vânzător: O călătorie sigură!
Now you have a heads up in case you find yourself buying tickets for metros, buses and trains in Romania. Trust me, these will be the means that you will use a lot in this country. Enjoy learning!