
Article by Oana Iosifidis

During our childhood, most of us remember being told that we should not eat between meals, so that “we do not lose our appetite”. So, the 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) were and are a way of life. A new theory comes to the fore to dispel the myth of the three meals of the day, the theory of 6 (small and frequent) meals. Let’s look at some of the benefits of the 6 meals of the day. Along with this, as we always do, we will give you some key words in Romanian language, being for the few lines of this article your nutritionist and your private Romanian tutor at the same time! Hence, before you start your Romanian lessons for foreigners (as we suppose you are one yourself), take a look at this educational article!

Maintaining the basal metabolism at high levels:

The long duration between meals is perceived as a threat by the body, considering that it will lack food-fuel so that the stored fat does not burn.

maintain = a menține

level = nivel

duration = durată

between = între

body = corp

fat = gras

Proper body function:

Frequent meals keep our blood sugar levels stable, without unwanted ups and downs.

proper = potrivit

meal / table = masa

stable = grajd

Losing or maintaining weight:

Research has shown that frequent and small meals during the day, not only help maintain and lose weight, but also reduce body fat, because the consumption of healthy and low-fat small meals, reduces daily calorie intake, as it reduces hunger.

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research = cercetare

weight = greutate

during the day = în timpul zilei

during the night = în timpul nopții

frequent = frecvent

reduce = reduce (same as in English)

consumption = consum

daily = zilnic

hunger = foame

– Lowering blood cholesterol levels:

Research has shown that blood cholesterol levels in people who ate five or more small meals a day were about 5% lower than in those who ate only one or two times, regardless of the amount of calories they received.

blood = sânge

cholesterol = colesterolul

people = oameni

amount = cantitate

calories = calorii

receive = a primi

Let’s see some useful things about these six meals that we mentioned above:

Breakfast = Mic dejun

This meal is the most important of the day. It should provide energy to our body, without giving the feeling of heaviness.

important = important (same as in English)

the most important = cel mai important

energy = energie

heaviness = greutate

Brunch(international definition)

Many snacks are high in fat and / or sugar and low in fiber, vitamins and other nutrients, which can lead to an unbalanced diet. That’s why it’s so important to choose the snacks we eat. Some of them could be fresh fruits and vegetables, dry fruits without sugar, protein bars.

sugar = zahăr

fiber = fibră

vitamins = vitamine

nutrients = nutrienți

diet = dietă

fresh fruits = fructe proaspete

dry fruits = fructe uscate

vegetables = legume

Lunch = Masă de prânz

This meal should include foods of all categories (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and always be accompanied by a salad.

category = categorie

carbohydrates = carbohidrați

proteins = proteine

always = mereu

salad = salată

Dinner = Masă de seară

A light meal and at the same time to fill us up like brown bread with some cheese, a boiled egg or a yogurt.

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light = ușoară

at the same time = în același timp

bread = pâine

cheese = brânză

boiled egg = ou fiert

yogurt = iaurt

Before sleep = Înainte de culcare

It could be some milk or again fruits with yogurt or honey.

milk = lapte

honey = miere

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