
romanian lessons

Did you buy the tickets, did you choose the accommodation, but did you get stuck at the idea of packing? No worries! We are experts in Romania, born and raise here, we know our country, and we can offer you some advice for the right luggage! In addition, we solve for you the mystery of the weather and temperatures in Romania, one of the biggest doubts of our students from the online Romanian course. You will know how to organize your outfits and luggage after reading this article!

Backpack or trolley?

Depends, we could say. If you choose a relaxing trip to the city, where you want to visit some places and do not involve too much physical activity, then the answer is a trolley. But make sure you have a paved road to your destination.

If, however, you choose to explore the extraordinary nature and mountains of Romania, a backpack will be more than welcome! Indeed, it limits the large amount of things you want to take with you, but it will make your stay much easier! It is very easy to walk from one place to another if you have a little luggage!

Of course, do not imagine that you cannot always call buses, trains and taxis or Uber, especially if you do not know exactly where the hotel where you will be staying, for example. You’ll find everything you need on Google, don’t worry!

Summer in Romania: what you shouldn’t miss from your luggage

If you want to visit Romania in the summer days, then there are some things you should not forget. Here are these:

– SPF. Although it is a country that enjoys a calm climate, never underestimate the temperatures that can be reached on a summer day! So, a sunscreen should be at your fingertips!

-Raincoat. Romania is a country as funny as its inhabitants and can always surprise you with an innocent rain, but which can ruin your vacation if you catch a cold. So, it wouldn’t hurt to have a light rain cape with you, as well as an umbrella! – Comfortable shoes. At some point, on your route, a small road through the forest will surely attract your attention, so you must be prepared for the expedition at any time!

Other things to consider when packing

– Jeans are more than appreciated in Romania. Short or long, you can take them in your luggage because you can play with your outfits, and they are also comfortable.

– Sunglasses are also indispensable, especially in these hot summer months, but they are welcome in any season.

– Being a country with a religious people, during the trip you will meet many monasteries and churches. Proper clothing is really appreciated. Long clothes that cover your body as much as possible are preferred to short ones that attract attention. Nothing is more scandalous for Romanians than foreigners dressed inappropriately in a holy place!

– You must not miss the chargers! You may not find such cables in the mountain or sea area at the corner supermarket.

– Cash. It is best to have cash with you when you go on tourist routes. It is very possible that on the top of the mountain you will not find any ATM 😊

And finally, take with you a lot of good cheer and a sense of humor. Romanians are social people, ready to receive you in their home and in their heart. They will want to know everything about you and, if you address them a few words in Romanian, they will want to take you home! You can solve this by participating in online Romanian language courses. We guarantee you will not regret it!

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