The Romanian among the other Romance languages

The Romanian among the other Romance languages

Romanian language is a derivative of Latin language along with Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. Its unique feature is that it is the only Romance language spoken still in eastern Europe (Romania and Moldova). Romanian language is, let’s say, the less popular...
The Romance languages

The Romance languages

The Romance languages or Latin Languages (or Neo-Latin Languages) are called the ones that are the direct ‘’descendants’’ of the original Latin language. They, as well, belong to Indo-European language family. The most widely spoken Romance languages are: Spanish with...
The history and characteristics of Romanian Language

The history and characteristics of Romanian Language

Romania is a beautiful country located in the central and eastern Europe. Over the past years, the development and the progress in the country were remarkable. After it left behind the dark years of the dictatorship, with great efforts and step by step, managed to...

Romanian language courses from 15 €/hour. Cursuri de limba romana de la 15 €/ ora.